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Choosing the Right Branding Design Package for Your Business

Branding is not just about a memorable logo; it's about creating a unique identity that resonates with your target audience and distinguishes you from your competitors. While the scope of branding can vary depending on each project and specific industries, at Undoubt Studio, we have curated essential packages that businesses need to launch a standout brand identity. Whether your budget is tight or expansive, we have a solution tailored for your needs. In this article, we’ll break down what’s included in each package to help you determine which is most suitable for your business.

Responsive logo design adaptations for multiple devices

Bronze Package: Creative Logo Suite (RM8,000)

Ideal for startups or micro-businesses with a limited budget, the Bronze Package offers a foundational branding toolkit. This package includes:

  • Responsive Logo Designs: Primary logo, secondary logo & brandmark.

  • Color Schemes: A color palette that reflects your brand’s personality.

  • Typography: Fonts selection that enhance your brand’s readability and character.

  • Basic Logo Guidelines: Ensure consistent use of your logo with straightforward guidelines.

This package is perfect for solopreneurs & micro-businesses that are just starting out and need to establish a professional appearance without a large upfront investment.

Learn more about our deliverables & timeline for: Bronze Package (Logo Creative Suite)

Examples of branded business collaterals including business cards packaging & menus

Silver Package: Visual Identity Design (RM25,000)

Designed for businesses poised for growth, the Silver Package provides a comprehensive branding solution that includes:

  • Complete Logo Suite: A versatile logo adapted for various uses.

  • Color Schemes and Typography: A cohesive visual language for your brand.

  • Five Brand Collaterals: Choose from business cards, letterheads, thank you cards, and more to spread your brand’s message across multiple touchpoints.

  • Packaging Design: Make your product stand out with custom packaging.

This package is ideal for SMEs looking to deliver a complete branding experience that captures and retains customer attention.

Learn more about our deliverables & timeline for: Silver Package (Visual Identity Design)

Branding guidelines that features the entire brand system

Gold Package: Full Brand System (RM45,000)

Our premium option, the Gold Package, is a full-scale branding service aimed at businesses ready to dominate their market. It includes:

  • Branding Strategy: Collaborate on brand and product naming, target audience research, and marketing strategies.

  • Comprehensive Design Suite: Everything from the Silver Package, plus additional collaterals like signages and billboards.

  • Ten Brand Collaterals: Fully customize your brand’s presence across all customer interactions.

  • Full Branding Guidelines: Maintain brand consistency across all platforms and touchpoints, ensuring your brand communicates effectively everywhere.

This package is best suited for organizations that require a deep and broad approach to branding, ensuring all aspects are meticulously crafted and aligned with strategic business goals.

Learn more about our deliverables & timeline for: Gold Package (Full Brand System)

The Right Branding Design Package:

Choosing the right branding package is crucial for your business's success. Each of our packages is designed to meet different needs and budgets, ensuring that you can start building your unique brand identity effectively.

Consider your business goals, target market, and budget to select the most appropriate package. Remember, investing in your brand is investing in the future of your business.

For a more detailed consultation or to see how our branding services can transform your business, contact us at Undoubt Studio. Let’s craft a brand that truly stands out!

This E-Book Will Change The Way You Approach Branding. Download Now.

  • Discover the 7 essential steps to help you launch a brand for your cafe, restaurant, skincare products, jewellery, hotels, spas, agencies and more

  • Gain access to essential details about building a memorable brand for your business.

  • 3 case studies that will help you get a better idea on how you can approach your brand's visual identity.

  • Instantly sent to your email after sign-up.

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